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About Me

My name is Andy I have been a volunteer Firefighter since 1996 were I started as a Junior Firefighter. When I turned 18yrs old in April of 2001 I was promoted to the rank of Firefighter. I completed my Firefighter Level 1 in June 2001 and my EMT First Responder in May 2002 which just expired........ Taking a break from rescue for now just going to run fire calls which i love 10x more. 

My Cousin Jason, Hailey, Eli, and ME

My Sister, My Mom, and Me. Dec 2004

EMT's Prayer

GOD ... Grant me the ability to give emergency care.
With skillful hands, knowlegeable mind, and tender loving care.
Help me deal with everything, when lives are on the line.
To see the worst, administer aid, and ease a worried mind.
So help me as I go today, accept what fate may be.
Touch these hands, use this mind, help this E.M.T.



Hell of a Vacation!

Florida Was Great Thanks Corey, Dean, and Andrea.

Puddle Of Mudd 03-20-04 - Portland  with Chadd, Amanda, and Brian
Kid Rock 07-03-04 - Manchester, NH with Jesse and Kim
Trans Siberian Orchestra - Manchester, NH with Jesse, Brian, and Brenda
CONCERTS 2005 3 Doors Down, Staind, Breaking Benjamin, No Address 7-12-2005 - Portland  with Jen, Mike, Ed, Brian, and Sean
Seether, Crossfade, Dark New Day 8-31-2005 - Hampton Beach, NH with Brian, Josh, Ed, Sean
Disturbed, 10 Years, Elino  - Hampton Beach, NH with Brian, Bill, Dave, and Nicole
Disturbed and Vegas Temper 12-06-05 - Portland with Mo, Billy, and Brian 
and Trans Siberian Orchestra with Brian, Heather, and Mallory
Concerts 2006
Brad Paisley Feb. 2006
Motley Crue 03/07/2006 - Springfield, Mass  with Melinda
Tim Mcgraw and Faith Hill 06/25/2006 - Boston with Jen
Three Days Grace, Nickelback, Hoobastank,and Hinder 07/11/2006 - Portland with Brian, and Stacey
Country Music Festival, Foxboro, Mass 07/16/2006
Carrie Underwood
Gretchen Wilson
Cowboy Troy
Big & Rich
Uncle Cracker
Kenney Chesney
with- Meghan
Breaking Benjamin, Evans Blue, Dropping Daylight- 07-26-2006, Hampton Beach, NH with John, Ian, Rene, and Brian
Concerts 2007
Red, Puddle Mudd, Breaking Benjamin, and Three Days Grace
Manchester, NH
With: Shelly, Kim, Krystal, Robyn, Tanya, Joey, Josh, Brian, and EJ

Daughtry, Staind, and Nickelback
Mansfield, MA
With: Lisa, Kim, and Keith

Red, Seether, Breaking Benjamin, and Three Days Grace                                                                                                                 10/28/2007                                                                                                       Portland, ME                                                                                                             With: Lisa

Fireman's Prayer

Lord, grant me courage
to face and conquer my fears
to share and endure the ordeal
of those who need me...
Grant me strength of heart and body
to bear whatever burden
might be placed upon me,
and to deliver to safety
all those placed within my care...
Give me concern for others
the compassion to comfort,
and the love to serve unselfishly
whenever I am called...
And please, Lord, through it all,
be by my side.

-- Author Unknown

You have got to Love Maine Foliage.



Here's a list of some of my favorite movies:

Alien Vs Predator, The Bourne Supremacy, Hell Fighters, Full Metal Jacket

Here's a list of some of my favorite music:

Puddle of Mudd, Kid Rock, Nickle Back, Linkin Park, DMX, Garth Brooks and much much more

Finally my Fire Department takes delivery of it's first new truck in almost 10years!

Engine 2
2006 HME Quick Attack Pumper

For the soul reason of this picture is why I will NEVER move to the city. I hate TRAFFIC!!

"24/7 Fighting What You Fear"

